

Prolapsed Disc vs Herniated Disc: Insights from Dr. Todd Lanman, World-Class ADR Surgeon

Many terms are used to describe problems with vertebral discs—it can be confusing! Dr. Todd H. Lanman is a renowned expert in spine surgery and Artificial Disc Replacement (ADR), with over 30 years of experience in the field of spinal neurosurgery. As the founder of the Advanced Disc Replacement Spinal…
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Muscle Strain vs. Herniated Disc

Back pain has emerged as the leading cause of disability worldwide, affecting an estimated 619 million people globally in 2020, with projections suggesting this number will rise to 843 million by 2050. For those experiencing back pain, distinguishing between muscle strain and herniated disc injuries is crucial for receiving appropriate…
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Why Exercise is Key for Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis, a condition characterized by the narrowing of spaces within the spine, can significantly impact daily life, causing pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. However, a well-designed exercise routine can play a major role in managing symptoms and improving overall spinal health. This guide will explore effective exercises for spinal…
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Spinal Stenosis vs. Herniated Disc: Key Differences and Treatments

Introduction: Understanding Spinal Stenosis and Herniated Discs Spinal stenosis and herniated discs are two common spinal conditions that can cause significant discomfort and impact quality of life. While they may share some symptoms, understanding their distinct characteristics is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment. Spinal stenosis is a condition characterized…
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Managing Arm Weakness After Neck Surgery: A Comprehensive Guide to Recovery

Arm weakness is a common complication after neck surgery. Procedures known to be associated with arm weakness include anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) and posterior decompression (laminectomy). Arm weakness can affect almost every aspect of your life from carrying groceries to hugging a friend. Dr. Lanman presents this comprehensive…
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A Comprehensive Guide to C2 C3 Nerve Damage Symptoms

Top 10 Things You Need to Know About C2 C3 Nerve Damage  Understanding the symptoms of nerve damage is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment. This guide will walk you through the key aspects of C2 C3 nerve damage, helping you recognize the signs and understand the implications.   1.…
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Permanent Restrictions After Spinal Fusion

For many individuals, the decision to undergo spinal fusion surgery is a life-altering one. While this procedure can provide much-needed relief from debilitating back pain, it also comes with a significant trade-off - permanent restrictions that can dramatically impact one's quality of life and ability to work. Not only does…
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What is The Cost of Slipped Disc Surgery?

A slipped disc, also known as a herniated or ruptured disc, occurs when the soft inner portion of a spinal disc protrudes through the tougher outer ring. This can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the affected area. While many cases can be treated conservatively, surgical intervention becomes necessary for…
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What Causes Hip Pain After Spinal Fusion?

Hip pain following spinal fusion surgery is a challenging complication that can negatively impact a patient's recovery and quality of life. This issue arises from the complex relationship between the spine and hips, where changes in one area can profoundly affect the other. After spinal fusion, patients may experience hip…
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Is Walking Good for a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc occurs when the soft inner core of an intervertebral disc pushes through a tear in its tougher outer layer. This can irritate nearby nerves, causing pain, numbness, or weakness in the affected area. Herniated discs can significantly impact daily life, potentially limiting mobility, causing discomfort during routine…
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Skiing with a Herniated Disc: Expert Tips for Hitting the Slopes Safely

Skiing is an exhilarating winter sport that offers thrills, exercise, and challenges. However, for those with spine issues—particularly herniated discs—it is vital to understand the risks of skiing and take appropriate precautions. Skiing can put significant stress on the back; however, many individuals with herniated discs can still safely enjoy…
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Understanding Herniated Disc Hip Pain

True hip pain, that is, pain originating from the hip joint itself, is usually felt in the front of the leg at the groin. Nonetheless, hip pain may be caused by a herniated disc, especially if the hip pain occurs at the side or the back of the hip. A…
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Does ACDF Surgery Scar?

ACDF (Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion) surgery typically results in a scar on the front of the neck; however, in most cases, the scar is barely noticeable after it heals. Dr. Lanman makes the smallest, cleanest incision he needs to perform ACDF. He also closes the incision with the utmost…
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Understanding Trapezius Muscle Pain After Cervical Fusion Surgery

Trapezius muscle pain is unfortunately common after cervical fusion surgery. The trapezius muscle is a large, flat muscle that spans the upper back and neck region. Cervical fusion surgery can alter biomechanics and increase stress on the surrounding muscles, including the trapezius. Detachment, weakness and atrophy of the trapezius muscle…
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Disc Desiccation: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Disc desiccation is the gradual loss of hydration (water) of an intervertebral disc in the spine, which leads to disc dehydration and disc degeneration. Disc desiccation is an inevitable part of aging, but some things can make disc desiccation worse. Dr. Todd Lanman is a world expert in diagnosing and…
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Demystifying Vacuum Disc Phenomenon

The vacuum disc phenomenon refers to the presence of gas, primarily nitrogen, within the intervertebral discs of the spine. It is often seen on imaging studies like X-rays or CT scans as translucent or lucent areas within the disc spaces. While vacuum disc phenomenon can be an incidental finding, it…
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Understanding Spinal Disc Tears: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Introduction to Spinal Disc Tear A spinal disc tear, also known as an annular disc tear, is a crack or rupture in the outer fibrous ring (annulus fibrosus) of one of the spinal discs that cushion the vertebrae. These discs act as shock absorbers, allowing the spine to bend and…
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Signs a Herniated Disc is Healing

Most people who experience a herniated disc will improve with time. A herniated disc may not technically heal completely, but it can shrink and/or become less painful. However, how do you know if your herniated disc is healing? What are the signs that it is not? Dr. Todd Lanman addresses…
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Things to Avoid When Living With Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease can be a painful and frustrating condition, but understanding the link between your lifestyle and your spine health can empower you to take control. This article dives into all sides of the coin: what foods to avoid and what exercises to steer clear of to minimize pain,…
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Can Bad Posture Cause Back Pain?

Ever feel a twinge in your back after a long day hunched over your desk? It's not just a coincidence! Understanding the direct link between bad posture and back pain is crucial for maintaining a healthy spine. This article delves deeper into this connection, exploring the specific ways poor posture…
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Restrictions After Cervical Disc Replacement

After cervical disc replacement, the path to a pain-free, active life begins. But smooth sailing requires attentive recovery. Are you staying on track or falling behind? Are you doing all that you can to get the best results? This guide unpacks the stages, restrictions, and long-term considerations you'll encounter as…
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Road to Recovery: How Soon Can You Drive After Back Surgery?

Driving is often synonymous with independence and freedom. However, after undergoing back surgery, the idea of getting behind the wheel cause some apprehension. Dr. Todd Lanman, a seasoned expert in spinal surgery, understands the importance of addressing these concerns. With years of experience and a deep understanding of the nuances…
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What Are The 4 Stages of Degenerative Disc Disease?

Introduction Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) is a common spinal condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Understanding the progression of DDD through its various stages is crucial for effective management and treatment. Dr. Todd Lanman, a distinguished authority in the field of spinal surgery with decades of experience, offers valuable…
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5 Long-Term Effects of a Herniated Disc: Why Treatment Matters

A herniated disc is a common and often painful condition that can significantly impact one's quality of life. Seeking timely treatment for this condition is essential for finding relief, preventing further damage, and maintaining overall well-being. Dr. Todd Lanman, a distinguished expert in spinal surgery with decades of experience, is…
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Pros and Cons of Cervical Disc Replacement Surgery

Understanding Cervical Disc Replacement Cervical disc replacement is a surgical procedure that offers hope and relief to individuals suffering from chronic neck pain and spinal issues. But what are the potential advantages and risks associated with it? What are your alternatives? In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the…
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Revision Spine Surgery: Challenges and Success Stories

When it comes to spinal health, the road to recovery isn't always straightforward. For patients who have undergone previous spine surgeries without achieving their desired outcomes, the journey can be particularly challenging. This is where revision spine surgery comes into play, offering hope and solutions to those who are grappling…
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When to Get a Second Opinion for Spine Surgery

The decision to undergo spine surgery is a monumental one, carrying the weight of potentially life-altering outcomes. The spine and spinal cord, with their delicate structures and intricate network of nerves, demands the utmost care and expertise. In this article, we discuss the importance of seeking a second opinion from…
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How To Sleep After Cervical Disc Replacement Surgery

The Importance of Sleep After Surgery Sleep is critical to our overall well-being, but it becomes especially important during the recovery from cervical disc replacement surgery. Cervical disc replacement surgery can relieve pain and restore mobility in patients with cervical disc issues, but soon after the procedure it may be…
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Can Vertebrae Be Replaced?

A vertebra (plural vertebrae) is one of the bones that make up the spinal column. Spinal discs are the firm yet pliable structures between the vertebrae. Spinal discs can be replaced with artificial discs, but vertebrae cannot be replaced. In the case of a severe and unstable spinal fracture, a…
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Effective Strategies to Relieve Back Pain After Scoliosis Surgery

The primary goal of scoliosis surgery is to correct the abnormal curvature of the spine and stabilize it, which can reduce back pain and improve the biomechanics of the spine. While scoliosis surgery can have a positive impact on back pain, it's important to note that individual experiences may vary.…
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Pediatric Scoliosis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Pediatric scoliosis is a spinal condition that occurs before the spine has matured when a child’s spine abnormally curves sideways or rotates. This is a fairly common spinal deformity with two to three percent of adolescents ages 10-18 presenting some form of scoliosis. While this starts as a cosmetic issue…
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Ankylosing Spondylitis Surgery: What You Need to Know

Ankylosing spondylitis (also called Bechterew's disease) is a form of inflammatory arthritis and a condition that causes some of your vertebrae to fuse. Think about how you use your spine to bend, twist, and stretch throughout the day. You can enjoy such flexibility because your spine is made up of…
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When to Choose an Artificial Disc Replacement

Most people with degenerative disc disease can be successfully treated with nonsurgical options such as physical therapy, medications, or spinal injections. If nonsurgical treatments are ineffective, however, your spine surgeon may recommend surgery. The two main choices are spinal fusion and artificial disc replacement. If you are candidate for artificial…
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The Unforeseen Symptoms of a Lumbar Herniated Disc

A herniated lumbar disc occurs when the soft inner material of the disc protrudes through the outer layer, which can irritate nearby nerves and cause a variety of symptoms. Most people know about the common symptoms like low back pain, but there are unforeseen symptoms of a herniated lumbar disc,…
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Stomach and Back Pain Together: Potential Causes & Treatment

Your body communicates distress through different symptoms, including pain. When something is wrong with your spine, you might feel pain radiating throughout your back. When something is wrong with your stomach, you could experience symptoms like nausea or bowel discomfort. However, it can be challenging to determine whether these symptoms…
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5 Back Stretches For Lower Back Pain

Back pain comes in many forms. You might feel a dull ache throughout the day that prevents you from moving comfortably or you could experience spasms that interrupt your work and life. Fortunately, there are many non-surgical ways to treat lower back pain to help you feel better and get…
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Lumbar Microdiscectomy: Relieving Symptoms With Microdiscectomy

Surgical technology is constantly evolving with the goal of becoming less invasive and more effective. Historically, discectomies were highly invasive procedures that required surgeons to open the back with large incisions. Recovery times sometimes lasted several months and patients often still had back pain.   Modern innovations have changed this.…
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Can You Play Sports With A Herniated Disc?

Yes, you can play some sports with a herniated disc, but you may need to stop some high impact sports and activities for a time to let your spine recover. If the sport causes you to experience pain from the herniated disc, you should not return to that sport until…
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Spinal Fusion in Los Angeles

Over the last three decades, Dr. Todd Lanman has established himself as the leading spinal neurosurgeon in Los Angeles. Dr. Lanman completed his residency in Neurological Surgery at University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1989. He is board-certified in neurological surgery and fellowship-trained in spine surgery. He has…
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Is Spinal Fusion Worth It

From increasing anxiety and depression to just interfering with your ability to enjoy watching football with your family, back pain can prevent you from living a full life. Whether you’re experiencing unexpected twinges or prolonged pain, these symptoms can limit your ability to work and even sleep. Luckily, you don’t…
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Ice Or Heat For Lower Back Pain: Which Treatment is Best

In the eternal battle of ice vs. heat for low back pain, there is only one clear winner: both. In some cases, it is best to use ice to relieve low back pain and in others it is best to use heat. This article will help you to correctly choose…
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Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease—What is it & Why It Happens

Cervical degenerative disc disease is the breakdown of one or more spinal discs in the neck that causes signs or symptoms like neck or arm pain, strange sensations in the arm, weakness, or numbness. Cervical degenerative disc disease has many possible causes and can be treated in a variety of…
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Can Bad Posture Cause Scoliosis

MYTH: Bad posture causes scoliosis. You cannot get scoliosis from bad posture, but that doesn’t mean bad posture is healthy for you, either. We still don’t know what causes scoliosis in more than 80% of cases, but we do know that bad posture is not a major cause.   Can…
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How Fast Does Degenerative Disc Disease Progress

Over the course of a lifetime, most people will experience some degeneration in their spinal discs, but not all of them will experience pain as a result. If you do, it’s a sign you have Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD). When patients first learn about this condition, they worry about their…
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Spinal Fusion Alternatives

For decades, spinal fusion was considered one of the best surgical options for treating back pain. When you experience prolonged back pain, it is often because your spinal discs are damaged and are no longer able to protect your vertebrae. Your vertebrae allow you to move, bend, twist, and navigate…
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Swimming for back pain – What you need to know

You enjoy swimming, but you also have back pain. Is it safe to swim with back pain? Could swimming be helpful for back pain? We discuss what you need to know about swimming and back pain in this article.   Why swimming is a great solution for back pain The…
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Lower Back Pain from Golf: How to Avoid It

Golf is one of the few competitive sports adults can play throughout their lives. As such, it is a great reason to get outdoors, socialize, and stay physically fit. While golf is accessible to athletes of all fitness levels, without the proper muscular conditioning and techniques, golfing may lead to…
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When Should I See a Spine Surgeon?

The Waiting Game In my experience as a practicing spine surgeon, very often patients come to me for the first time after many months or even years of neck or back pain. When this happens, I think to myself, "Why didn't you come to me sooner?" The longer that some…
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California spine practice using electromagnetic therapy to enhance patient recovery

Beverly Hills, Calif.-based Advanced Disc Replacement Spinal Restoration Center is reportedly the first in the state to use the Emsculpt device to strengthen and rehabilitate patients' muscles after injury or pre- or post-surgery.   Three notes:   1. The electromagnetic therapy will be used for patients experiencing weakness related to…
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The most exciting technology in spine from 11 surgeons

From robotics to spinal arthroplasty and augmented reality, 11 spine surgeons discuss what technologies have the potential to make the biggest impact on the field.   Ask Spine Surgeons is a weekly series of questions posed to spine surgeons around the country about clinical, business and policy issues affecting spine care.…
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Motion preservation will become the standard, but won’t eliminate fusion: 8 surgeons weigh in

Eight surgeons discuss the future of motion preservation in the cervical and lumbar spine and how its development will affect spinal fusion.   Ask Spine Surgeons is a weekly series of questions posed to spine surgeons around the country about clinical, business and policy issues affecting spine care. We invite all…
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Los Angeles Magazine recognizes Dr. Todd Lanman as ‘top doctor’ — 5 things to know

Todd Lanman, MD, founder of Lanman Spinal Neurosurgery in Beverly Hills, Calif., has been named one of Los Angeles Magazine's top doctors for 2021, according to a Feb. 22 news release.   READ MORE
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Will disc replacement supersede spinal fusion? 7 spine surgeons weigh in

On the back of two-year data comparing the M6-C cervical disc with anterior cervical discectomy and fusion published in The Spine Journal, seven surgeons discuss the future of total disc replacement in spine:   READ MORE
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Are Robots for Spine Surgery Worth the Cost?

Does your spine practice need a robot? Is it even feasible? Learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of robotic-assisted spine surgery, and how to evaluate and choose a robot model.   Robotic-assisted spinal surgery is used for posterior instrumented fusions in which screws are implanted in the bones of…
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The Lanman Foundation: An Expanding Mission

My instrument to make a lasting and meaningful contribution to the wellness of others.   How we would all like to feel that we add lasting and meaningful value to our community. Want to shoot even higher? How about the condition of humanity?   There are many ways for us…
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The Growing Case Against Spinal Fusion

Physicians run the risk of harming their patients with a 100-year old procedure.   Compared with Artificial Disc Replacement, spinal fusion is an ancient and harsh solution for spinal disorders like degenerative disc disease and herniated discs. Not to be overly dramatic, but when I think of spinal fusion, I…
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Why Movement is Life

Your sedentary work habits may be killing you.   Several years ago, as the news media started clamoring over ‘sedentary time’ in the workplace, there was a surge in the amount of data about exactly what was happening to people who worked at desks and workstations.   Two data points…
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Opportunity from Pain?

How a cure for degenerative disc disease could be a good thing for your health and wellness.   If you have developed chronic persistent pain along your spine. If the pain is localized to the base of your neck or at your hips. If you have a tingling sensation in…
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Addressing Misinformation for Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery

Meanwhile, ADR continues to make medical history as a primary solution for patients suffering from painful degenerative disc disease.    I can understand when someone is reluctant to recommend something that they do not understand. But I am surprised when physicians do not reach out to learn more about the…
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You just had back surgery? 

What to expect and what to do to help your full recovery.   Recovery from a surgical procedure that involves the spine depends on how much the surgeon has to resolve the pathology: the extent of spinal disorder that requires medical help. Your recovery is also dependent upon the type…
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Top 8 Spine-Health Stretches and Exercises 

Recommended by physical therapists and your spine surgeon. And most of these exercises you can do while sitting in your office chair.   If we’re honest about our wellness, most of us will admit that we could all use a bit more exercise. Speaking from the first-person experience, a consistent…
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Don’t Fear the Cure

You don’t have to live with chronic back and neck pain. Get diagnosed. Get treated. Start living again.   Doctors have been performing spinal fusions for more than 70 years. It is no surprise that when patients start talking about back surgery, fusion is one of the first things that…
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First Step to Healing: watch for ‘unusual pain’!

How to tell the difference between the pain you fight and the pain that means a call to the doctor.   Your body produces all kinds of signals, but pain is one that often means something is wrong. Pain, when taken together with other symptoms, is like the warning lights…
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How We Heal

Why sensible fitness and nutrition helps you heal before and after back and neck surgery.   Fitness and nutrition and their effect on the overall patient are not regular classes for medical students, but they should be. Retrospectively, after 30 years of medical practice as a neurosurgeon treating disorders of…
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Spinal Fusion is Preventable

Don’t box yourself in with a forced spinal fusion. Talk to your doctor before it is too late.   I want to tell you a short story about a patient who came to me recently. She was suffering from exquisite pain in her neck. She came into the office, and…
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How to save your life with better nutrition.

Cure more than your need to eat with smarter choices and a leaner lifestyle that supports your SPINE HEALTH.   We’ve heard the old saying, “You are what you eat.” It’s a truer statement than you may realize.   Our bodies are an active chemical laboratory that continuously converts input…
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Four Lifestyle Secrets for the Stress of Aging

People who are proactive about their health, pay attention to their spine health.   The good news is that we’re living longer. The problem is that we don’t know how to live longer. Thanks to that added lifespan, we’re so productive and so busy. But many of us can’t be…
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Preventative Medicine that will help you Age Better!

Medicine and a steady dose of common sense can keep us moving and functional with the highest quality of life possible.   At this moment, I’m thinking about all the wonderful things that medicine can do to stop infections, enhance healing, and keep us active. In nearly every medical field…
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Coping with the Pain in Your Neck

A 5-point self-directed management plan that may save your neck from surgery.   As a physician, I spend a lot of time discussing symptoms with my patients. For instance, persistent, chronic pain in the neck accompanied by numbness or tingling in the arms and hands may indicate a ruptured cervical…
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The Heresy of Preventative Medicine

When we search for disease before it occurs, we have more options for cures and solutions.   As a clinical researcher, I am advancing surgical methodology and technology for artificial disc replacement surgery. This one medical development not only brings a cure to patients suffering from chronic neck and back…
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How to Live Long and Keep Moving

Hint: “Taking it easy” is really the last thing we want to do. Consider that we are living much longer than previous generations. Our current average life expectancy hovers around 85 to 90 years. Some datapoints push expectancy beyond to even 100 years. What happens if, as a society, we…
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Are you recovering from a spinal surgical procedure?

Your role in your recovery, on the path to being “greater than better.”   I congratulate you on reading this article because it means you’re taking your post-operative recovery from spinal surgery seriously. In my experience, patients who end up with the best outcomes are often the ones who spend…
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TIME: The most important aspect of the doctor-patient relationship.

Patients get better care when physicians spend more TIME learning about their condition. Of the many subject matter associated with medical care, the doctor-patient relationship has gotten a great deal of attention. Research in this area saw a considerable increase in the late 1980s, covering every aspect of care concepts…
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What are bone spurs and why do they grow?

A bone spur is a nob of calcium that can grow along the edges of bones such as the vertebrae of the spine. The clinical name for them is osteophytes, or exostoses, both of which mean “bony projection.” The most common location where we find bone spurs is where bones…
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Sad inheritance: back and neck pain

If it runs in your family, that’s nature’s sign that you need to pay attention.   You can’t stop degenerative disc disease, especially if it runs in your family. I’ve seen patients as young as their teens who eventually need surgery. But I also see patients who are well into…
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Artificial Disc Replacement: Faster recovery times and fewer complications.

And the procedure is now covered by most healthcare insurance. I see all kinds of patients every day with all types of pain and conditions. An athlete (age 44), had been managing degenerating lumbar discs with conservative treatment at my office for about a year. Last week, she came home…
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How artificial disc replacement keeps golfers in the game.

Modern ADR technology and medical methodology can solve back and neck pain without ruining your swing. You can tell who the passionate golfers are – the people who take the game seriously. Just about anyone with a minimal amount of training can look great stepping up to the ball. But…
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The link between weight and spinal disorders.

Back and neck pain can be controlled with lower body weight and more active lifestyles. There's a specific link between your body weight and the pain that you can experience in your neck and back. Think about what is going on structurally with your body: all those bones and muscles.…
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Love tennis, but dealing with persistent pain after every set?

Pay attention to the pain, but don’t let fear drive you off the court. If you play a lot of tennis, just like any athlete, you are at risk for chronic back pain. And there’s always a statistic for something like this: 85% of tennis players say that they experience…
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How FDA Studies can help you with back and neck pain.

It takes more than study and perfection to make motion preservation better for all patients.   At least one of the reasons I work hard as a physician in the field of spinal disorders and motion preservation surgeries is because of my personal experience as a patient. I’ve had eight…
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Why am I “pro-motion”?

Only artificial disc replacement offers the promise of preservation of the natural range of motion of the spine. Imagine what your spine does. It’s a marvelous system that flexes, twists, stretches, and bends all the while protecting and projecting the spinal cord down the middle of your back. That incredible…
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Looking Back or Reaching Forward?

My personal perspective as a patient and a neurosurgeon: 15 years and eight back and neck surgeries later.   A patient told me how she found me. She had already received several recommendations for her chronic neck pain. But she couldn’t decide which she was more afraid of surgery or…
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Why we need the Second Opinion

Sometimes the only remedy for bad medical advice is by asking another practitioner for another opinion.   A patient of mine is an avid cross-country cyclist. After 10 years and thousands of miles of road, he started experiencing pain in his neck that would not go away. He also noticed…
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Manage Aging and Spinal Pain?

The instant corollary for back and neck pain is aging. So why not manage both?   While my surgical specialty is treating spinal disorders, I added aging management medicine for the sake of benefitting many of my patients who need help in both areas. From the perspective of my regular…
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Three signs that you may need back or neck surgery.

Learn how to tell the difference when it’s a bit more than just a little back or neck ache.   After a long day, everyone is susceptible to a little back or neck ache. What if the pain doesn’t go away? What if it grows worse? What then?   The…
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Artificial Disc Replacement (ADR): how do they work.

Artificial disc replacement surgery is a medical procedure where a surgeon removes a herniated spinal disc and replaces it with an implant device.   Between every pair of vertebrae (bones in your spine) is a semi-flexible spinal disc that can be damaged or degenerate. Your surgeon may recommend surgery when…
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When to ask for a Second Opinion

Why wonder? Be bold and ask.   To answer the question - when should you seek a second opinion - any time you feel the need. We ask for second opinions when our cars need major work. Don't we look for second opinions about vacations we want to take or…
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A Millennials’ Guide For Preventing Neck or Back Surgery: Confronting a ‘new age’ of bad tech habits and stress with three old good habits: posture, exercise, eating well.

Anyone born within five or six years either side of January 1, 2000, is a certified member of the generation we call the “millennials.” How this particular generation is dealing with the stresses of their emergence into adulthood is not so dissimilar to my generation of “boomers.”   We had…
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The Durable Artificial Disc: Its durability and adaptability is one of the biggest reasons that ADR is the cornerstone of Restorative Motion Surgery.

When you think of other surgically implanted appliances and devices, obviously, you must consider its durability. Once implanted, how long will it last? When will the patient require corrective or “revision” surgery?   Among all surgically implanted devices, artificial discs have one of the most extended duration cycles—more than 70…
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Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery IS Settled Medicine

50 years of research and development makes ADR not just an option, it’s a remedy. It’s hard to overlook the fantastic scientific and technological developments we have witnessed in the last 50 to 60 years. Especially for anyone born on THIS side of the 1950s. I’m not just talking about…
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The Self-Imposed Cycle of Pain

Feeling “better” is easy. Being “greater than better” takes a little effort.   I have a slogan that I use in my practice: Be greater than better. However, it’s more than just some nice sounding words.   It’s a statement—a positive future vision for people dealing with long-term chronic pain…
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Tackling the Cycle of Pain, and Winning

Living longer doesn’t mean surrendering to chronic neck and back pain. No big news: pain comes with aging. You may not be aware, however, how pain may lead us into a cycle that creates conditions for more injury and additional discomfort.   When we feel pain, we want to back…
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The 4 Dimensions of Healthcare: How physicians can be more effective by paying more attention to TIME.

You may hear physicians talk about “standard medical treatments.” At least some standardization is essential, especially when dealing with variables in human healthcare and treatment options. When these standards are treated as guidelines, good physicians use them to help organize information for patients and show them when a deviation is…
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Restorative motion surgery™: bringing back motion where fusion has taken it away. Replacing cervical fusions with artificial discs.

More and more cervical fusion patients are reconsidering their treatment and questioning whether they really had to sacrifice their natural range of movement and flexibility for relief from chronic neck pain. As I see these patients come into my office, I wonder about the medical community that continues to rely…
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What is spinal fusion surgery?

Spinal fusion surgery is a procedure where at least two vertebrae segments are permanently joined together with a highly-developed system of titanium screws, rods, and plates. A bone or synthetic graft is used to stabilize the vertebrae as one bone.   The main purpose of spinal fusion surgery is to…
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Restorative Motion Surgery for Patients of past Cervical Fusion Surgery: Reversing fusions and restoring full natural flexibility of the spine with artificial disc replacement surgery.

Historically, when we had problems with the spine that couldn’t be solved with physical therapy or pain management, we turned to fusion surgery. Fusion literally fuses together the very bones that allow us to bend and flex our bodies. As a result, fusion is the end of flexibility and range…
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Back and Neck Pain: The consequences of bad posture, bad technology habits. To protect your spine, the best lessons come from Mom.

As much as you may wince to admit it, your mom was right about your bad posture.   Many of us will eventually develop a little chronic pain somewhere in the body, but more than likely it’ll be your neck or in your lower back. Sometimes both. If your pain…
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Artificial Disc Replacement as a Revision Procedure: Avid basketball player asks if he is a candidate for cervical (neck) artificial disc replacement. Todd Lanman, MD explains.

“I’ve read a lot about artificial disc replacement as a first surgical treatment option to restore and help maintain neck movement. However, my cervical spine surgery was a fusion procedure, and now, years after what was a successful surgery, I’m in pain. I’m an avid basketball player, in relatively good…
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4D Health: Four dimensions of care for chronic back and neck pain. Decoding: Discussion, Diagnosis, Action, and Time

Patients who need to see a doctor, want to “get better.” In my case, if a patient is suffering chronic pain in their neck or back, they probably want to see a neurosurgeon who specializes in treating disorders of the spine. For them, healing and being “better” means that they…
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Los Angeles spine surgeon Todd H Lanman earns ‘Leader in Health Care’ title

Prominent spinal neurosurgeon Todd H Lanman (Lanman Spinal Neurosurgery, Los Angeles, USA) has been honored by the Los Angeles Business Journal as one of its 2018 ‘Leaders in Health Care,’ taking home the prestigious award at the 2018 Health Care Leadership Forum & Awards.   Lanman and his practice earned the distinguished…
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